Dear parents and students, greetings from St. Joseph’s School, Shankergarh. It is with
great pleasure that I welcome you and come to meet you through this website. As a head
of the Institution I am greatly impressed with the commitments of our staff and the school
to the provision of the excellent all –round development and education for our students.
All of you are aware that Covid-19 brought all of us to stand still, made us to pause in the
pace of our life journey for months and years, but life goes on.
My thanks to parents and students for the way you have worked with the school last
academic year 2020-2021 through on line classes.
This academic year 2012-22 is again a challenging year to all of us. We have begun our
SCHOOL, through on line classes from April 5, 2021. I wish every one of you take challenge
as you did in the previous year. Our teachers are committed in helping you out all the
possible ways this year too, till the pandemic disappears from this earth.
I wish you all a grace-filled year ahead.2021-22
I bring to your attention that all of us have personal and shared responsibilities and I wish
to mention them at this of pandemic.
Personal responsibilities
1. Physical distance from others
2. Wearing mask
3. Hand washing
4. Cough and sneeze etiquette
5. Limiting time in crowded situations
Shared responsibilities
1. Fast and sensitive testing and tracing
2. Good ventilation for outdoor interaction
3. Quarantine and isolation for infected people and those exposed to them
4. Vaccines.
Finally I wish that everyone stays well, stay at home, and stay blessed
With all good wishes
Fr. Anand James Francis